Streaming, Downloads, and Personal Audio – NEW BOOK!
I’m very please to announce that the campaign for my new book on high-fidelity streaming, hi-res downloads, and headphone-based high-end audio will launch on Kickstarter on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 am PDT. The project has been underway for many months, most of the research completed, and I’ve already laid out a preliminary table of contents (see below).

Many hours have been spend developing the look and feel for the new book, writing and assembling the Kickstarter page, recording and animating the pitch video, and launching a website for the new book ( There is no functioning shopping page on the site … this will happen after the campaign.

The book is the follow up companion to my first book Music and Audio: A User Guide to Better Sound and introduces a few of the latest topics that should be of interest to all audiophiles: streaming, downloads, and personal audio. Here’s the pitch video that I produced for the KS campaign.
As usual, there are a number of incentives for early backers including a couple of rewards that offer both of my books for less than $90. I’ll even send you the first book at the close of the campaign. Those interested in being notified at the launch of the KS campaign, can click on the promotional link below:
And if you’re on my mailing list, you’ll get a brief email about the campaign on Thursday morning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Post on Social Media Sites – Please
Success with a Kickstarter campaign depends heavily on promotion. Please feel free to send this announcement to your audiophile friends, post it on your favorite audio FB groups (they frown on obvious self-promotion/advertising and I respect that), announcements on appropriate forums, and anywhere else that would like to know about a book on Streaming, Downloads, and Personal Audio.
Sign Up Here
If you haven’t signed up at the pre-launch web page and would like to have advance notice of the launch, please use the form below:
Hi Mark, Just signed up for your new book. Probably the last thing this 77 year old listener needs, but I wanted to be sure that you reach your goal and get it in production Good Luck!
Kit, Thanks very much to helping with the campaign! I really appreciate it.